ADD:No67,Baihua Road,Chongkou,Shijie Town,Dongguan City,Guangdong Province,China


Common fault treatment of servo tension device

Fault phenomenon: 1, a tension rod passing line wheel card line or not excluded methods: 1, line meticulous may will cause the line card in the passing line wheel wheel disc, Qing carefully check and re hanging line; 2, wire roller long-term use of aging will happen, if it is because of aging caused by the line card in the Qing to replace the passing line wheel;
Fault phenomenon 2, job tension on skid exclusion method: 1, if it is wool oil caused by slip, please timely replacement of wool; 2, then the tension wheel with debris, please, with a dip of anhydrous alcohol cotton and pull the tension wheel until clean.
Fault phenomenon: 3, run suddenly stop tension rod malreduction (i.e. monthly close to the elastic rubber block) elimination method: if it is spring break or deformation caused by poor reduction, please timely replace the spring; 2, if no damage in the spring are not reset, please will send the tension adjusting knob towards the left tension, until the reset so far.